Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
At BVC, we believe a young person’s encounter with Jesus is just as important as an adults. Each Sunday we provide opportunites for those in younger generations to encounter Jesus though the exploration of His Word, activiteies, and interaction with peers. Those who serve our younger generations are trained and background checked in order to provide a safe environment. The curriculum we utilize is called The Gospel Project and its purpose is to explore Jesus Christ as the central figure from Genesis to Revelation.

For our NextGen program, we are using The Gospel Project for a fun and interactive Sunday School experience! Email for more information about this program!

Sunday Mornings
10:00am (On-Site)
Service starts at 10:00Am! We hope to see you and your family there!
Parent On-Demand Resources
At Home Parent Resources are available on demand. Please talk to a NextGen volunteer for more information.
Sign your child in before service at our NextGen Check-in station in the Den.